Monday, September 9, 2013

Third World Thoughts From Nepal

I could go on and on about traveling abroad to a third world country but I won't. There's too much going on in my head about it and I don't have the time or energy to weave some kind of beautiful story like Eat, Pray, Love so I'll just bullet point what's been going on in this brain matter of mine.

-Third world countries are no joke
-In 2013, a third world country such as Nepal places more importance on WiFi than on figuring out an infrastructure.
-The above statement isn't a judgement, rather an observation
-America and Americans are spoiled. All the way down to the homeless.
-You can purchase an all-you-can-eat meal for $1.50 and it's healthy and they come to you to refill. You're not a trough piling on food that you won't eat
-Most everyone, even the beggars can speak some type of english or Chinese or Japanese. Smart.
-I will never look at a toilet or hot shower the same again when I get home
-Travel cankles suck.
-Be thankful for a recycling program
-Be thankful for sewage treatment plants
-Be thankful for clean water and remember not to trash the environment. Seriously. That's not tree hugger speak.
-Be kind
-Be polite
-Always have some kind of American cash on your person
-Be patient
-Go to bed when the locals go to bed
-Don't be afraid to strike up conversations with the locals. They may pour you some tea and tell you that they do in fact sell some fake pashmina's but they'll tell you the difference after you finish your tea.
-Have faith in the locals.
-Have faith in yourself
-Place your money in different places so if in fact you are robbed or get a bag or backpack stolen, you'll still have other places to find your money
-I wish that the US Government would help third world countries with some of our tax dollars rather than use tax dollars to destroy things. Wouldn't that make everyone feel good?